BC Fruit Growers' Association


AgricultureBusiness Organizations

About Us

The BCFGA vision is a Prosperous, Sustainable, Innovative Tree Fruit Sector in BC
that grows products that improve health. The BCFGA Mission is to ensure a prosperous, financially sustainable and innovative industry through:
- Representing Growers on Trade, Tax, and Regulations
at the Regional, Provincial and Federal Levels of Government
- Delivering and Developing Programs that Provide a Benefit for the Tree Fruit Industry
- Promoting Horticultural Knowledge
- Participating in the Design of Risk Management Programs
- Supporting Research and Development in the Tree Fruit Sector
- Establishing Direction for Environmental Farm Plan, Food Safety and Social License Programs
- Developing Area-Wide Programs to Protect Trees and Crops from Pests
- Promoting Marketplace Adaptation through the Adoption of New Varieties of Tree Fruit and New Horticultural Practices
-Alliances with Other Commodity Organizations

We are also proud to be part of the Vernon Chamber of Commerce and work together on our mutual interests.