For Good Measure Inc.



About Us

For Good Measure Inc. provides educational assessment products and services to the certification and licensure industry in Canada. In other words, we’re in the examination business. We provide consulting services that ensure our clients’ exams are fair and defensible and provide an online software platform to host test questions and administer tests securely over the internet. Our clients are almost exclusively provincial regulators and national exam boards whose mandate is to accept candidates into a profession, based on a sound evaluation of what they know and are able to do.
FGM serves its clients by being both proficient and highly approachable. Our business is technical, and our consultancy and technology team have advanced degrees in applied research or computer science. Yet, our success relies on creating trust and building great relationships. We are equally dedicated to both.
We pride ourselves on being innovators in a risk-averse environment. We are prudent early adopters and were the first Canadian company to showcase AI-based question development as a viable alternative to subject-matter expert workflows. We use optimization technology to find the ideal content balance for a given examination, ensuring that our clients’ tests target a full and unbiased range of material. We have also recently developed software to help licensed professionals create better professional development plans using AI by providing individualized recommendations and summarizing trends for regulators.
Perhaps most importantly, we are committed to contributing to our communities and our planet, as For Good Measure implies. FGM is incorporated in BC as a benefit company, one that has fiduciary responsibilities to realize defined social and environmental objectives. We are signatories to the One Percent for the Planet initiative, are significant contributors to community supports such as the food bank and provide reduced-fee services to small organizations with limited budgets.