VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce wants to provide local businesses and residents with a voice during the federal election.
The Chamber will host an all-candidates forum via Zoom Sept. 8 at 6 p.m., and the candidates for North Okanagan-Shuswap have been invited to attend.
“Given the condensed timeline for this campaign, it is essential that local voters have an opportunity to hear from the candidates as well as having a chance to ask questions of the candidates directly,” said Dan Proulx, Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.
“The Chamber membership reflects the greater community – businesses and non-profits – and what happens at the federal level is extremely important, whether it’s Covid recovery, the labour shortage or taxation. We encourage all residents to review the policy platforms of each candidate and to make an informed choice.”
Details on registration for the forum will be made available soon.
Dan Proulx, General Manager
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771 E: