Oct. 16, 2022 – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce looks forward to working with newly elected civic leaders to ensure that the voice of businesses and non-profits is heard in the North Okanagan.
On Oct. 15, voters elected municipal councils in Vernon and Coldstream as well as trustees with School District 22 Vernon. The directors for Areas B and C of the Regional District of North Okanagan were acclaimed to their positions.
“Congratulations to everyone who was elected to serve the Greater Vernon community for four-year terms, and we want to thank all of the candidates for participating in the democratic process and being involved in their community,” said Robin Cardew, Greater Vernon Chamber president.
Leading up to the election, the Chamber hosted a forum for the Vernon mayoralty candidates and asked the Vernon council candidates to provide written responses to two questions. The forum video and the written responses are posted under the advocacy tab at https://www.vernonchamber.ca/
“The Chamber will continue to work with the City of Vernon, District of Coldstream and Regional District of North Okanagan to ensure that the entrepreneurial spirit is allowed to flourish and that issues of importance to our members and the broader community are addressed,” said Cardew.
“We will continue to push for action on security and safety throughout Vernon, streamlined approval processes for development and a range of housing options in all jurisdictions that support individuals, families, and employers. We will also be advocating for land use planning that fosters a healthy and diversified economy as well as policies which will allow members and residents to flourish.”
The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce was founded in 1897, and it currently has 600-plus business and non-profit members in Vernon, Coldstream and the RDNO.
For more information, contact:
Dan Proulx, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce general manager
250-545-0771, manager@vernonchamber.ca