Chamber responds to expanded pandemic measures

VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce will continue to advocate on behalf of business and the community as expanded measures are initiated to slow the spread of Covid-19 in B.C.

On Nov. 19, new orders were implemented on a province-wide basis, and they remain in place until Dec. 7.

“Like everyone else, our priority is the health and safety of our friends, neighbours and families. We must take action to reduce the cases of Covid-19 and ensure that our health care system is not overwhelmed,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber president.

The announcement by the provincial health officer includes making the wearing of masks mandatory in retail and public spaces.

“This decision lets people know what to expect when they walk into any business or public space. We believe a mandatory mask policy will ease potential conflicts for business owners and their staff when they approach someone not wearing a mask,” said Kempton.

“We encourage residents to remain patient and understanding, especially as they interact with business owners or their employees. This is a challenging time for all of us and we need to support each other.”

There has been a temporary cancellation of all events and mass gatherings, even under 50 people, and the suspension of non-essential travel in B.C. is being encouraged. Spin, interval training and hot yoga are also suspended everywhere in B.C.

“There is considerable likelihood that these measures will impact already fragile sectors such as hospitality, tourism and fitness centres. We encourage our residents to remain safe and, whenever possible, support our local businesses,” said Kempton.

“Since spring, businesses and non-profits have gone to considerable expense to purchase PPE and retrofit operations with plexiglass and signage. They did this to protect their employees and clients, and to continue providing services we all require.

“Our Chamber will continue to monitor the situation and we want to hear from businesses if they need clarification of the regulations or have concerns implementing the orders. We will continue to advocate on behalf of business to ensure they can access necessary support from government,” said Kempton.
Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: