Chamber responds to provincial election

VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce will advocate on behalf of its members and community as a new government is formed in Victoria.

On Oct. 24, John Horgan and the B.C. NDP received a majority mandate from B.C. voters, although final election results won’t be known for two weeks as mail-in ballots are counted.

“Congratulations to Mr. Horgan and the NDP, particularly as they made new in-roads on the electoral map,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce.

“We are eager to work with the government on matters that are extremely important to our members – both business owners and non-profits – particularly as we continue to navigate the impacts of the global pandemic. Specifically, we want to ensure the chamber’s voice is heard as recovery proceeds because the success of business benefits the entire community.”

Among the issues the Greater Vernon Chamber will advocate for are:

  • Balanced regulations that allow businesses to operate while maintaining public health
  • Supporting the tourism, airport and aviation sectors
  • Access to domestic and international workers for agricultural producers and processors
  • Reduced regulatory burden on businesses, including the Employers Health Tax
  • Increased mental health and substance abuse services in local communities
  • Strengthening of the forest sector
  • Continued focus on affordable, accessible child care
“Premier-elect Horgan has indicated a desire to have an inclusive Legislature where diverse views are encouraged, and we would hope that would also include a willingness to work directly with business organizations, specific industries and civic leaders. Together, we can build a stronger province,” said Kempton.

In terms of Vernon-Monashee, the outcome of the election will not be determined until the mail-in ballots are counted as the vote difference between the B.C. Liberals and B.C. NDP is extremely close.

We want to thank the candidates who let their names stand in Vernon-Monashee as they made the democratic process possible. We also appreciate the respectful manner in which the candidates addressed issues of importance to our community and province,” said Kempton.
Dan Proulx, General Manager    
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, E:  P: 250-545-0771