Chamber supports expanded child care in community

VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce welcomes a significant investment in local child care that promotes healthy families and a strong economy.

On Sept. 18, the provincial government announced funding for child care proposals submitted by the City of Vernon, Okanagan Boys and Girls Club, Maven Lane, the Vernon School District and the District of Coldstream. Combined, the initiatives will create 556 spaces.

We are extremely pleased with this announcement as a significant issue for many of our members and businesses in general is the attraction and retention of staff, which is directly related to an employee’s ability to find care for their child,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber president.

“Not only will expanded child care options allow employers to fill much-needed positions, workplace productivity is improved when working parents have access to quality child care. Often, parents are balancing the need between the overall quality, safety, availability and cost of child care.”

The Chamber is awaiting further details as to when the new child care facilities will be open.

“We thank the provincial government for its investment in child care in our community, and we want to recognize our local governments and non-profits for partnering together and having a vision that benefits all of us – parents, children, residents and employers,” said Kempton.

“And while this is extremely positive news for the region, we should point out that the Chamber supports the Greater Vernon Child Care Space Action Plan and specifically the recommendation that calls for increased funding for early childhood care providers and educator training. Obviously an expansion of child care creates new career opportunities but we want to ensure child care operators and staff are also a priority.”

Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: