VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce will continue to provide its members and the community with a strong voice federally.
On Sept. 20, the Conservatives topped the polls in North Okanagan-Shuswap while the Liberals continue with a minority government nationally.
“Congratulations to Mel Arnold on his re-election as member of Parliament for our riding and we look forward to working with him on issues essential to a vibrant community and economy,” said Dan Proulx, Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.
“We want to thank Mr. Arnold and the candidates for the Greens, Liberals, NDP and People’s Party for participating in the democratic process and providing local voters with a choice on the ballot.”
Leading up to election day, the Chamber held an all-candidates forum and the issues discussed included the labour shortage, the cost of housing, post-pandemic recovery, access to child care, agricultural support and the link between economic development and reconciliation with indigenous communities.
“Thanks to our more than 600 members, representing all business sectors and non-profits, the Chamber is in a position to advocate for meaningful change that supports the entrepreneurial spirit and creates opportunities for residents and families to succeed,” said Proulx.
“Advocacy is a fundamental component of the Chamber, and we will use the outcome of the election to renew our efforts on behalf of Greater Vernon, whether it’s with our local MP, the federal government or the opposition parties. We will also work actively with regional chambers, local government and industry sectors to ensure our members are heard in Ottawa.”
The Greater Vernon Chamber is urging all parties to come together for the common good of the country.
“A minority government is a chance for MPs to pursue policies that move our communities and economy forward. Businesses work with diverse partners to succeed, and we expect similar cooperation among our elected officials,” said Proulx.
Dan Proulx, General Manager
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771 E: