VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce welcomes the leadership by Vernon’s elected officials for a new cultural centre in the downtown core.
On Aug. 17, city council directed administration to negotiate with the Regional District of North Okanagan for the sale and purchase of up to one half of the parking lot at 2910 32nd Ave. for a cultural centre.
“We appreciate the unity among the seven members of Vernon council as it shows clear support for the cultural centre and the significant impact the facility will have on the community, particularly with tourism and revitalizing downtown,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber president.
“There is an extremely tight timeline to have a land transaction between the city and RDNO completed and for the regional district to submit a grant application to senior government in October, but we are confident the elected officials and staff at the city and RDNO are committed to cooperatively making this great project move ahead. Success also depends on partnerships with the District of Coldstream and local cultural organizations.”
The Chamber is also interested in a concept that was presented by Coun. Brian Quiring to city council Aug. 17 – developing a park on the remaining half of the city-owned parking lot at 2910 32nd Ave.
“This is a vision that could not only create a new park but anchor the adjacent cultural centre as a destination for residents and visitors. It definitely needs to be investigated further in terms of cost and logistics,” said Kempton.
Richard Rolke, Communications Coordinator
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771 E: