VERNON – With the federal election just a month away, Greater Vernon residents and business owners will have an opportunity to learn more about the candidates and the party platforms.
On Oct. 8, the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society will host a federal all-candidates forum. The event is also sponsored by the B.C. Fruit Growers Association and Castanet.
“We are excited to bring together residents and business leaders so they can hear directly from the individuals wanting to represent us in Ottawa, and to pose questions of relevance to our region and country,” said Dione Chambers, Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.
At 6:30 p.m., the doors will open to the public and the forum will begin at 7 p.m.
The forum will include introductions from the candidates, questions from the sponsor organizations and then the public will have an opportunity to put questions before the candidates.
“The Performing Arts Centre is the traditional venue for political forums in our community and we are pleased to partner Oct. 8 with the Chamber, the B.C. Fruit Growers Association and Castanet,” said Jim Harding, Vernon Performing Arts Centre Society executive director.
Castanet will provide live streaming of the forum.
Admission is free, however, donations to the Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society’s youth programs or bursary fund will be appreciated.
Dione Chambers, General Manager
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce, E: P: 250-545-0771
Jim Harding, Executive Director
Vernon and District Performing Arts Centre Society, E: P: 250-542-9355