Mission Possible highlights strong support for local tourism

VERNONMission Possible has successfully concluded in support of Vernon’s tourism sector.

The second annual Mission Possible ran from July 1 to 17 and was a campaign created by the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Tourism Vernon.

“We are extremely grateful that hundreds of Greater Vernon residents participated in Mission Possible, explored what this great region has to offer and recognized the contributions tourism makes to our economy and community,” said Dan Proulx. Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.

During Mission Possible, residents could visit at least one of four participating tourism destinations – Allan Brooks Nature Centre, Davison Orchards, O’Keefe Ranch and the Vernon Community Arts Centre. Once on site, they had to find a secret code word and fill out a ballot.

Amongst the hundreds of entries, Rosa Galante’s name was selected as the winner of the Ultimate Staycation. The prize package includes:

  • Two nights stay at Prestige Hotel
  • SUP rentals for two from Beach Life Boards
  • Dinner for two at Marten Brewing
  • Breakfast for two at Okanagan Eatery
  • Bike lessons for two from Dialed Rides
  • Engraved Yeti travel mug and two adult season passes for Davison Orchards tours
  • Extended family season pass for O’Keefe Ranch
  • Membership and stuffed marmot from Allan Brooks Nature Centre
  • $250 in Downtown Dollars from the Downtown Vernon Association
“We were excited to learn that Rosa visited all of the host locations, along with her family, Sal, Catherine and David Rayek. What a great opportunity to come together as a family and discover the amenities that we have right here at home,” said Proulx.
“Thank you to presenting sponsor Tourism Vernon, the host locations, the prize sponsors and everyone who participated in Mission Possible.”
Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: manager@vernonchamber.ca