Mission Possible remains focused on local tourism

VERNONNorth Okanagan residents are once again being asked to demonstrate their super sleuth skills to support local tourism.

The third annual Mission Possible, which runs from June 30 to July 15, is hosted by the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce and sponsored by Tourism Vernon.

“Mission Possible provides residents a fun and engaging opportunity to be tourists right here at home,” said Dan Proulx. Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.

“Tourism is a significant anchor of our economy through employment and diverse amenities, and we can all play a role in ensuring long-term growth and vitality of the sector.”

During Mission Possible, residents will locate classified information at specific locations. Once that intelligence is gathered, they can enter for an Ultimate Staycation.
Mission Possible will see residents visit at least one of four participating businesses:

  • Cambium Cider
  • Okanagan Science Centre
  • Sun Country Cycle
  • Vernon Farmers’ Market.
Once on site, they will have to find a secret code word and then fill out a ballot. Participants can go to just one location or all four during the campaign and multiple entries are encouraged.

“Exploring your own community helps create positive economic impact for local tourism businesses. With Mission Possible, we’re encouraging residents to check out the exceptional tourism experiences we have right here in Vernon, and perhaps even plan a staycation this summer,” said Torrie Silverthorn, manager of tourism for the City of Vernon.

“We’ve heard from residents that exploring their own backyard has helped them discover new and exciting spaces which they then recommend to visiting family and friends, further bolstering our local economy and helping enrich visitor experiences. We encourage everyone to participate in Mission Possible.”
For more information on Mission Possible, go to https://www.vernonchamber.ca/mission-possible/

Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: manager@vernonchamber.ca