New federal boundary a success for Chamber advocacy

The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce has had an advocacy win with proposed new boundaries for the federal electoral district.

The Federal Electoral Boundaries Commission for B.C. has tabled a report with the House of Commons that would keep Greater Vernon in a single electoral district instead of dividing it between two ridings as was earlier proposed.

“Our Chamber, last year, urged the boundaries commission to not separate Vernon, Coldstream and Areas B and C between two federal ridings as these jurisdictions share common services such as water and culture, and Greater Vernon is a single economic and social unit,” said Robin Cardew, Greater Vernon Chamber president.

“We were concerned that having two electoral districts would create challenges for businesses, local governments and residents trying to access federal services as they would have to communicate with two Members of Parliament.”

On Feb. 8, the Federal Boundaries Commission presented a report to the House of Commons that calls for a new riding called Vernon-Monashee, which would include all of Vernon, Coldstream and Areas B and C, as well as Lake Country, North Westside Road, half of Spallumcheen, Lumby, Cherryville, Nakusp and New Denver.

“We thank the boundaries commission for reflecting on the unique nature of Greater Vernon and maintaining it as a single unit when it comes to federal elections. This is just another example of the strong voice the Chamber has provided its members since 1897,” said Cardew.

“Advocacy is an essential part of our mandate, and we will continue to ensure that all levels of government are aware of the needs of our members and the community.”

The boundary commission’s report will now be reviewed by the House of Commons Standing Committee on Procedure and House Affairs, prior to the House voting on the proposal.
Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: