Public invited to all-candidates forum

VERNON – The Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce is reminding residents that they have an opportunity to learn more about the candidates running in Vernon-Monashee.

The Chamber will host an all-candidates forum via Zoom Thursday, Oct. 8 at 6 p.m. and the event is sponsored by the B.C. Fruit Growers Association.

“We are encouraging Chamber members and the community at large to become informed on where the candidates and parties stand, particularly on issues important to our region as we move towards post-pandemic recovery,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber president.

As part of the event, residents can ask questions via the chat mechanism on Zoom.
Anyone wanting to view the forum can register at

Castanet will stream the forum live on its website,
Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: