Rally the Valley celebrates local for Christmas

Greater Vernon residents are once again being urged to put local first on their Christmas list.

Rally the Valley is making a return for a second year and the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce wants the public to shop local, eat local, experience local and give local.

“Being local is important year-round but particularly leading up to Christmas when we are focused on shopping, celebrating and donating,” said Dan Proulx, Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.

“When you make a purchase, go out for dinner, visit a local attraction or donate to a charity, you are sending a strong message that you believe in creating employment, a diverse economy and important community services. Supporting local is the gift that keeps on giving.”

To participate in Rally the Valley, residents can simply tell us how you have supported local, and you will be entered to win a grand prize valued at $1,000 provided by the Village Green Shopping Centre and Downtown Vernon Association.

The contest runs from now until Dec. 23 at https://www.vernonchamber.ca/events/rally-the-valley/

“A little Rally goes a long way to support the Valley and that’s a holiday tradition worth celebrating,” said Proulx.

The Greater Vernon Chamber has more than 600 members and the organization has been the leading voice of business and supporting local since 1897.

Dan Proulx, General Manager   
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771              E: manager@vernonchamber.ca