Rally the Valley generates festive support locally

VERNON – North Okanagan residents demonstrated their enthusiasm for supporting local during the holiday season.

Rally the Valley was launched by the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce Dec. 7 to encourage residents to shop local, eat local, experience local and give local.

"We were overwhelmed by the response, with close to 500 entries from individuals telling us how they make a difference by patronizing a local business or donating to a Vernon charity," said Dan Proulx, Greater Vernon Chamber general manager.

“The very act of supporting local is an investment in our community as it translates into a resilient economy, employment opportunities and vital services our friends and family can access. We are so fortunate to live in a community where residents care for each other.”

Everyone who visited vernonchamber.ca and indicated how they support local was entered to win a grand prize valued at $1,500 generously donated by Chamber members Village Green Shopping Centre, H.M. Krause Jewellers and Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union. The winner is:

Kylie Plester, of Vernon

“Purchasing gifts from local stores and businesses is always the way to go. The local wine and cider are always the best,” said Plester of how she supports local.

The Chamber website also highlighted retail deals among Chamber members as well as information on where to dine and which non-profit organizations were seeking support.

"While the festive season has wrapped up, it's still essential that all of us do what we can to support our businesses and non-profits throughout the year. We urge residents to show their community pride and Rally the Valley," said Proulx.

The Greater Vernon Chamber is a membership-based business support organization that has been proud to serve as the leading voice of business and non-profits in Greater Vernon since 1897.