Spring Expo generates support for United Way

MARCH 13, 14, 2019 – North Okanagan residents have officially kicked off spring and provided much needed support for vital community services.
During the Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce’s Spring Expo March 8 and 9, about 1,200 people passed through the doors at Kal Tire Place North and donated $2,140 to United Way.
“We are extremely impressed with the generosity of everyone who attended the inaugural Spring Expo, and we are proud to assist United Way and its member agencies,” said Dione Chambers, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce general manager.
“Through their hard work, these agencies touch every aspect of our lives – infants, children, teens, adults and seniors. They foster vibrant, inclusive and caring communities while advocating for solutions for critical social issues.”
United Way volunteers collected donations from residents at the door during Spring Expo.
“We are overwhelmed by the support of the community, and their willingness to always rally behind their family members, friends and neighbours. The support from Spring Expo will go a long ways towards building a resilient community, and thank you to the Greater Vernon Chamber for providing the opportunity to create awareness about our programs,” said Linda Yule, with United Way.
Spring Expo featured more than 60 exhibitors – businesses, non-profits and government organizations. Family fun included a climbing wall, princesses, Kiki the Eco Elf and the Bug Guys, while the City of Vernon went all out with a bouncy castle, fire truck, backhoe, camera truck and police vehicles.
“There was absolutely something for everyone, and Expo was also a great opportunity to showcase Kal Tire Place North as the community’s newest public facility. We thank our exhibitors, sponsors, volunteers and the public for their confidence in this community showcase,” said Chambers.

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For more information, contact:
Dione Chambers, Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce general manager
250-545-0771, manager@vernonchamber.ca