VERNON – The recipient of the prestigious 2020 People’s Choice award will be determined by Greater Vernon residents.
From Sept. 14 to Oct. 4, members of the public can vote for their favourite among the businesses and non-profits nominated as part of the Greater Vernon Chamber’s Business Excellence Awards.
“We always look forward to the People’s Choice Award as it generates so much excitement within the community and allows residents to get directly involved in recognizing a business,” said Krystin Kempton, Greater Vernon Chamber president.
“It also provides the nominees with an opportunity to encourage support among their customers, employees, family and friends.”
The People’s Choice Award is sponsored by Total Restoration Services.
Voting takes place at
Each participant will get one initial vote for free with additional votes available for purchase. Partial proceeds from voting will help establish a scholarship for a local business student. Other proceeds will help fund programs and initiatives from the Chamber to support local business.
The winner of the People’s Choice Award will be announced at the Business Excellence Awards virtual gala Oct. 23. Registration details for the gala will be posted soon to
The 2020 Business Excellence Awards are presented by Valley First, a division of First West Credit Union.
Richard Rolke, Communications Coordinator
Greater Vernon Chamber of Commerce
P: 250-545-0771 E: